BioSecure Database

The BioSecure Multimodal Database: is composed of a unique set of different databases that has been collected by 11 university institutes across Europe in the framework of the BioSecure Network of Excellence.This collection has been designed to include biometric data for face, voice, iris, fingerprint, hand and signature modalities, within the framework of three datasets corresponding to real multimodal, multi-session and multi-environment situations.

The three datasets which compose the BioSecure multimodal database are:

  • Internet Dataset (DS1): still face images and talking-faces recorded through Internet and under uncontrolled situations.
  • Desktop Dataset (DS2): laboratory dataset with (high/low quality) 2D face, iris, talking-face, signature, (high/low quality) fingerprint and hand modalities. It is PC-based, off-line and supervised data acquisition.
  • Mobile Dataset (DS3): mobile devices under degraded conditions were used to build this dataset. 2D face and talking-face sequences were acquired in both indoor and outdoor environments. Signature and fingerprint modalities were acquired using the sensor of a PDA.

The PowerPoint presentation of the BioSecure multimodal database can be downloaded here.


Reference : Ortega-Garcia, Javier, et al. "The multiscenario multienvironment biosecure multimodal database." IEEE Transactions on Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence 32.6 (2010): 1097-1111